“Mrs Coade came to visit us in the afternoon, and was very interested in automatic writing. She never does it since an experience she had of a dark & miserable spirit writing through her & wanting relief, which she was able to give it through prayer. She read Hanna’s handwriting & gave a pretty true account of her – said she was very sensitive really & easily hurt but was able to conceal it.”
WEEK 79: (12th – 16th May 1919)
“Then I went to the club committee & found a row going on, J. Wylie had said in a speech on Labour day that the less some people said about what they had done for Ireland the better, & Brazil took this to himself & was raging, & wanted J. W. to withdraw it, & so did everyone else except Ald. Power, who never encourages people to be offended, J. Wylie & myself. J. W. had already said he didn’t mean Brazil, but that wdn’t satisfy them. They prating how a withdrawal was the only way to restore harmony, whereas it seemed to me a forced withdrawal was the best way to increase & perpetuate ill feeling.”
WEEK 54: (9th – 13th October 1918)
“When I came home I found Aunt H. had heard from Dublin that Lydia Maria Webb was on the Leinster, & nothing had been heard from her…”
WEEK 52: (23rd – 29th September 1918)
“She talked a lot about conscientious objections & their sufferings too. I went with her to the meeting house door to show her the way. & T. came to dinner. There was a general meeting at the club a.t. to choose delegates for the Convention, & they chose Butler, J. Connolly & me. “