“I know Hanna used to talk interestingly while I was eating my breakfast these mornings but I can’t remember it unless it was about the American beauty parlours & the money they spend on it etc. It rained this day & i went to the Pelman place in Dawson St in the afternoon & got their 1st book & visited Lasairfhiona in her new office in Molesworth St, & then went to see the Stephenses again. “
WEEK 46: (12th – 18th August 1918)
“It appears that a woman can get 6 months now for communicating disease to a soldier or sailor, under regulation 40 D of DORA, & the soldier’s mere word is enough to convict her unless she is willing to be examined to prove that she is not diseased. Also her name is always published whether she is proved innocent or guilty, & the soldier’s name is never published.”