WEEK 133: (31st May – 6th June 1920)

“Maya & I went on to a labour meeting at Chalfont St. Peter about taxation, & I read a pamphlet on the proposed levy on capital while they were “committing.” Nora & Charlie missed their train to London & came back for the night. C. is delicate & still rundown from working too hard in France, & Maya thinks he is badly in want of looking after, but there’s no one to do it. Mr M. talks to him at length about motors – it seems a most absorbing subject.

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WEEK 131: (17th – 22nd May 1920)

“I went to the Coliseum to see Her Barrier was objectionable enough to complain to the theatre committee about – Miss Doyle had been telling D. – it was awful. It was rather beastly, & such rot! But there was a comic one before it where three men were killed & went to hell & were shut into a pit of fire by devils with huge red hot pitchforks, which was lovely.”

Continue reading “WEEK 131: (17th – 22nd May 1920)”

WEEK 79: (12th – 16th May 1919)

“Then I went to the club committee & found a row going on, J. Wylie had said in a speech on Labour day that the less some people said about what they had done for Ireland the better, & Brazil took this to himself & was raging, & wanted J. W. to withdraw it, & so did everyone else except Ald. Power, who never encourages people to be offended, J. Wylie & myself. J. W. had already said he didn’t mean Brazil, but that wdn’t satisfy them. They prating how a withdrawal was the only way to restore harmony, whereas it seemed to me a forced withdrawal was the best way to increase & perpetuate ill feeling.”

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