“No news. D. seemed to have gone back again. There was a committee at the Club, & frightful revelations of the rioting & revelling & throwing bottles from the roof that went on during the election times. The caretaker is not a bit of good. Connolly as usual wanted to get all the women turned out of the Club. Miss Skeffington, Mrs Phelan, Mrs Gallagher & I were appointed [to] a committee to make rules about the girls. Miss S. spoke very well to about the behaviour of the men being worse than that of the girls; she feels very strongly about that.
WEEK 16: (14th – 20th January 1918)
“I went to Suirview early to hear Aunt Maggie’s account of Maritana. She was delighted with it, but greatly disgusted at the way the Marchioness is jeered at & regarded as an object of horror for being old & wrinkled. As she said, women who are not young are supposed to have no feelings. She spoke extremely sensibly about the different way the sexes are treated in this respect, considering she married a man 34 years her senior.”