WEEK 65: (30th Dec – 4th January 1919)

“No news. D. seemed to have gone back again. There was a committee at the Club, & frightful revelations of the rioting & revelling & throwing bottles from the roof that went on during the election times. The caretaker is not a bit of good. Connolly as usual wanted to get all the women turned out of the Club. Miss Skeffington, Mrs Phelan, Mrs Gallagher & I were appointed [to] a committee to make rules about the girls. Miss S. spoke very well to about the behaviour of the men being worse than that of the girls; she feels very strongly about that.

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WEEK 20: (11th – 17th February 1918)

“In the afternoon I went to the Powers, to go on plebiscite work to some monastic institutions. We went first to the de la sale college & saw Br. Ignatius, a big red fat man, not very polite & entirely opposed to us, taking refuge behind politics & the governmental nature of the place, of course. They asked if the students could sign outside, which he could not deny. The Powers of course disliked him even more than I did.”

Continue reading “WEEK 20: (11th – 17th February 1918)”

WEEK 8: (19th – 24th November 1917)

“Then Mrs Hayden read a short paper, very good, with sound stuff about the rise of the women workers in it, & a good national tone, & Dorothea gave an account of women in Burmah, illustrated with bits of The Soul of a People, which were rather loathsome in some ways. They seem very free in many ways – marriage & business – but they don’t care to be even temporary nuns, so the girls get no education, as secular schools are unknown. Without education of course they can’t be free, & they understand, the book said, that they are not capable of taking part in public affairs, so leave them alone. “

Continue reading “WEEK 8: (19th – 24th November 1917)”