WEEK 103: (27th – 2nd November 1919)

“I went into Dublin in the evening to the I.W.F.L. to read Shaw’s views on parents & children for them to discuss. There was a good attendance, but of course they did not discuss the things I wanted them to, but went off on education, which I had carefully left out. Mr Bridgeman ascribed to Shaw extraordinary aims about taking all children away from their parents & bringing them up in institutions. “

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WEEK 100: (6th – 12th October 1919)

“I went to meet Ben at the Vegetarian at 1, & found Tony standing at the door reading Wolfe Tone. Nancy & Bob were also of the party. We found Ben knew where more of the places Tone mentions were, so after dinner we all went to inspect the inside of the City Hall. It’s a splendid marble palace, nearly as beautiful as South Kensington museum, but has the trail of Edward & Alexandra all over it, and all the portraits of course are the usual dull pompous style. “

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