WEEK 133: (31st May – 6th June 1920)

“Maya & I went on to a labour meeting at Chalfont St. Peter about taxation, & I read a pamphlet on the proposed levy on capital while they were “committing.” Nora & Charlie missed their train to London & came back for the night. C. is delicate & still rundown from working too hard in France, & Maya thinks he is badly in want of looking after, but there’s no one to do it. Mr M. talks to him at length about motors – it seems a most absorbing subject.

Continue reading “WEEK 133: (31st May – 6th June 1920)”

WEEK 103: (27th – 2nd November 1919)

“I went into Dublin in the evening to the I.W.F.L. to read Shaw’s views on parents & children for them to discuss. There was a good attendance, but of course they did not discuss the things I wanted them to, but went off on education, which I had carefully left out. Mr Bridgeman ascribed to Shaw extraordinary aims about taking all children away from their parents & bringing them up in institutions. “

Continue reading “WEEK 103: (27th – 2nd November 1919)”

WEEK 93: (18th – 24th August 1919)

“We got home by about 9.30, rather cold by that time, Brighid & I went to tea to the Murphy’s & sat discussing people & politics round the table till after 11. Mrs M. upheld De Valera & Griffith as statesmen, & I exalted Mrs SD above them, & complained of caucassing, which they seemed to consider necessary in anythin plans that must be kept secret. Mrs Murphy abused women as being unable to keep from letting things out, & Dr M. thought men were worse – they do it for money.”

Continue reading “WEEK 93: (18th – 24th August 1919)”