“Miss E. & I used to discuss religion in the evening, á propos of the Protestant prayer book & the Catholic school catechism. She was surprised to incredulity at finding lying described as a sin there, a suggested maybe they got that book out for non-Catholics to see, but really taught them some others.”
WEEK 129: (2nd – 9th May 1920)
“Pouring wet day. I got an answer from Ruth Fry to my inquiry if they could give me employment in relief work on the continent. Evidently I’d be no use in Germany or Austria, & I don’t believe I am strong enough for their requirements in Poland. Louis more cheerful.”
WEEK 120: (1st – 7th March 1920)
“Tom came back by the morning train, having visited Harry & Lily, Mrs S.S. & the Stephenes as well as staying with Aunt Nannie & Aunt Isabella. Mrs S.S. told him a story of Frank Stephens’s school, how the boys came to ask F.S. to introduce punishments – all other schools had them, & apparently they didn’t know how to manage without. He said if he did it wd probably be caning & would they wish that? They consulted & replied yes if the girls were caned too. F.S. pointed out that the girls had not asked for any punishment, & he would not give it to them till they did – so I don’t know whether the boys had to go on as before or have some other kinds of punishment.”
WEEK 95: (1st – 7th September 1919)
“There was a S.P.C.A. committee in the afternoon. Uncle E. & Mr Robinson are both resigning. I think Sir James Power wd make a good president. Tom etc went to Woodstown in the motor in the evening, to clear up after the Bannans, and took Aunt Isabella. I went over to St Declan’s after tea to stay a while. They came back at 8, in time for D. to put Louis to bed. That evening there was a lot of talk & facetious reminiscences about flirting & falling in love; I don’t know why sex attraction should always be trusted as a comic subject of the “nuff said” & then laugh sort, nor why Tony should talk as if he was the greatest flirt in the world when he is nothing of the sort.”