“Miss E. & I used to discuss religion in the evening, á propos of the Protestant prayer book & the Catholic school catechism. She was surprised to incredulity at finding lying described as a sin there, a suggested maybe they got that book out for non-Catholics to see, but really taught them some others.”
WEEK 129: (2nd – 9th May 1920)
“Pouring wet day. I got an answer from Ruth Fry to my inquiry if they could give me employment in relief work on the continent. Evidently I’d be no use in Germany or Austria, & I don’t believe I am strong enough for their requirements in Poland. Louis more cheerful.”
WEEK 65: (30th Dec – 4th January 1919)
“No news. D. seemed to have gone back again. There was a committee at the Club, & frightful revelations of the rioting & revelling & throwing bottles from the roof that went on during the election times. The caretaker is not a bit of good. Connolly as usual wanted to get all the women turned out of the Club. Miss Skeffington, Mrs Phelan, Mrs Gallagher & I were appointed [to] a committee to make rules about the girls. Miss S. spoke very well to about the behaviour of the men being worse than that of the girls; she feels very strongly about that.