WEEK 105: (10th – 16th November 1919)

“I went to the Stephens’s & she to the Franchise League. Ned & Lily were alone, with a book on dreams that looked very interesting; by some German professor. Ned said it held that all dreams were products of the subconscious self & showed what it wanted & was like when scientifically examined – & that most dreams are connected with sex – inhibited sex desires chiefly. Comparatively few of mine are, as far as I can see.”

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WEEK 76: (21st – 27th April 1919)

“I went to the Metropole then & had a long interview with Tash, during most of which she was blasting men in her best manner. It was a propos of the alleged shocking state of the streets at night, & the suggested women’s patrols & the bishop talking of course as if the girls did all the scandal themselves. Tash spoke very plainly of the bishop, & her remedy for the state of the streets wd be for the older women to catch a solider & tar & feather him & drive him down the quay […] She said a man from Limerick boasted to Seán Lane how some young men there – Volunteers I think – caught 6 girls that had been walking with soldiers and cut their hair off for a punishment, and I don’t think I ever so anyone so possessed with rage about anything as she was about this. She seems to have crushed Seán Lane into powder when he told her of it in an approving way…”

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WEEK 28: (8th – 14th April 1918)

“I think it was this day the conscription bill was known to have passed the first reading. I went to town in the afternoon, to Jennings & then to Miss O’Shea, where I had to wait ages in the shop talking to her husband about conscription. Then I went to the hotel & found Kitty was up again but still set against going to Mt Melleray, so Mrs Power decided she wd go with me on Saturday.”

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